L’eau du fleuve (Two women)
super 16 mm 24min 19s color
stereo Fr 2009
Supported by HEAD, Genève
Directed and wiritten by KIM Woong Yong
Cast: Joëlle FONTANNAZ, Gilles TSCHUDI, Olivier YGLESIAS
Director of photography: Céderic RUSSO
Assistant photography: Edgar REZENDE
Lighting design: Davide PRUDENTE
Location sound mix: Elsa VENTURA
Sound Design: Adrien KESSELER, Thomas AMMANN
Graphic and Editor: KIM Woong Yong
Excutive producer: Michel BUHLER
super 16 mm 24min 19s color
stereo Fr 2009
Supported by HEAD, Genève
Directed and wiritten by KIM Woong Yong
Cast: Joëlle FONTANNAZ, Gilles TSCHUDI, Olivier YGLESIAS
Director of photography: Céderic RUSSO
Assistant photography: Edgar REZENDE
Lighting design: Davide PRUDENTE
Location sound mix: Elsa VENTURA
Sound Design: Adrien KESSELER, Thomas AMMANN
Graphic and Editor: KIM Woong Yong
Excutive producer: Michel BUHLER